xHamster Shyte

So it was not enough for @xHamster prevent the uploading of photo's and video's so they they re-introduce adverts. This is very likely because the faithful members have now fled the site for elsewhere and they are losing members and revenue big time. The sad truth is they deserve it. I predict @xHamster will not be around in the next couple of years for the way they treat users on here.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 1 jaar geleden 7

So wrong on so many accounts

That's the problem with sites like these. I've just had an imbecile who has been on here for 14 year with no video's, photo's or posts and asked for a friendship. When I refused he tells me that my profile is crap. What is wrong with these people? xHamster and sites like this one was intended to share and enjoy but some people just want it all their own way. xHamster rejected my reply to him and so I had no other option than to block the idiot.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 2 jaar geleden 3

Use of the word "Slut"

Am I alone in thinking this word is used too much? Having watched 100's of video's and viewed just as many photo's I personally don't think it right or justified in the vast majority of cases. 99% of the video's and photo's I view are amatuer and in nearly all the those it's obvious the women involved is the man's wife, partner or girlfirend and that they are alone. Just the two of them. So are the males calling them a slut because the women are enjoying sex and trying to please their man? Does it turn some of the men on calling thier partners a slut? Do their partners know they are being c… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 2 jaar geleden 6


True story. Popped in on a neighbour that wasn't feeling too well. She wasn't dressed and only had her dressing gown (opened up) on and lying on the sofa. She is a large lady in her 60's and she made absolute no attempt to cover herself up. Her huge empty boobs were lying either side of her torso, her nipples in sight. Her big fat flabby belly hung over the pants she had on and was floppy with excess skin everywhere. My problem is, I couldn't look her straight in the eyes for very long and I kept looking at her flabby belly and tits. Similar to this granny only more excess skin. https://xLees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 2 jaar geleden 12


We've seen the withdrawal of posting Photo's. No we see the withdrawl of video's I am no longer able to use this site. Which site/s are all my friends going too? I would like to link up again. @xHamster have shot themselves in the foot.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 2 jaar geleden 7

@XHAMSTER Take note

You recent changes to the site has gone against everything porn sites are about - people being able to post video's and pictures. Yes, I can uderstand the verification process but there are some who likes to remain anonymous. You have millions of users but they are leaving in their hundreds due to this recent policy. I see it everyday. # I too are inclined to and are seriously condering the exact same. Your site will go bust, which is a hige shame.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 2 jaar geleden 3

Password Protected Material

I have taken the decision to delete friends who constantly post up password protected material. It is most annoying to scroll down through my news feed only the see 'Password Protected' and a blank square. I ask the question - what is the point? If you don't want someone to see the material then why the fuck do you post it up here in the first place? Instead keep it stored on your device. With so many users protecting the material in such a way, how do they expect others to remember their passwords? There may well be memory people among us who can remember every single of the other people's… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 3 jaar geleden 5

Pubic Hair

There is so much evidence to prove that removing your pubic hair is a bad and unhealthy thing to do. - Pubic hairs are there to keep your vagina clean and safe. - They protect the vagina from friction and abrasions during sex and other rigorous activities. - It serves as the first line of protection against bacteria, STIs, and even irritation during sex. This is especially because the vaginal region is a sensitive area. - Pubic hairs prevent irritation in the genital area during sex. - They keep the pubic region at a temperature appropriate for the perfect functioning of the genitalia.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 3 jaar geleden 17

Vacuum Cleaner

Me perverted? More than likely. Seen loads of video's on here with men using vacuum cleaners to masturbate and cum. Never tried it before, but today I did after giving the vacuum cleaner a thorough cleaning inside and out. I didn't use the vacuum tube as my penis is too big and would not fit inside it so I used the main opening into the body. The sensation on my penis was absolutely immense and at times my legs started to shake but I didn't cum. With my penis 1/3rd way in, my penis shaft was being 'oscillated' hundreds of times per minute.With my penis 3/4 or slightly more in, the oscilla… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 3 jaar geleden 10

Another one

Received a friends from Tostomarco. He obviously never even bother reading my profile. I repeated some of my profile points back to him (i.e. No passwords and no cock pics please), he relied sarcastically to my post on his profile page then blocked me. https://nl.xhamstervideo.net/users/tostomarco Please. . . . read a users profile before sending friends requests to others.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 3 jaar geleden 7

Bull Shitters

Oh my aren't there some real bullshitters and complete dickheads on here. I see pictures apparently of their wife and yet it's obvious the women in one picture isn't the same as the women in the next, or next photo/video. We have photo's of women who are supposed to be in their 50's, 60 and far higher - 80's and yet it's as clear as night meets day that these women aren't. We have "Auntie" photo's, video's and stories. We have "Mother" and "Mother-in-Law" photo's, video's and stories. In 99% of the cases it's totally cleared it's just complete bullshit. If you are going to post photo's, vi… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 3 jaar geleden 6

Appreciated but....

I can understand those who post real fantasy stories on xHamster - we all have them. I also fully appreciate those who post real stories. I like them both and they are the best. Those who post totally fictitious stories that are so crazy and bizarre - what can I say? You can tell them a mile off. Then to have to contend with "Part 20 of 42"????? FFS - forget it. Idiots.… Lees meer

Geplaatst door Berksman49 4 jaar geleden 4